For anyone battling heart disease (or anyone simply wanting to be healthy) the topic of cholesterol intake is very important. However, sifting through all the good and bad sources and choices can be a bit daunting for many. So, to simplify things a little here's some pointers on foods to avoid and foods to select for those wanting to manage cholesterol for optimal results.
Some Sources of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) - aka, Good Cholesterol
- Oatmeal, oat bran and high-fiber foods - 1.5 cups of prepared oatmeal + a banana gets you 10g of fiber
- Fish and omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, tuna, halibut, trout - baked or grilled)
- Walnuts, almonds and other nuts - about a handful a day
- Olive oil (2 tablespoons per day, use EVO
- Foods with added plant sterols or stanols (Margarines, orange juice and yogurt drinks with added plant sterols can help reduce LDL cholesterol)
Try to cut out bad fats or LDL cholesterol. Trans fats are particularly bad - Foods to avoid include:
- Whole-milk dairy products
- Butter
- Cream
- Ice cream
- Cream cheese
- Certain shellfish, such as shrimp
- Other organ meats, such as kidney and brain
Try to keep intake of saturated (bad) fats to below 7% of your diet. Saturated fats are commonly found in:
- Beef
- Poultry
- Veal
- Processed meats (such as sausage, bologna, salami, and hot dogs)
- Egg yolks
- Butter
- Whole milk dairy products (such as milk, cream, cheese, and ice cream)
- Baked goods
Still confused? If all of this is tough to figure out, keep in mind that you can alwys have some basic rules when shopping. Avoid red meats and select fish instead. Eat as much fresh produce as possible including fruits and vegetables - the less processed (packaged) food you intake the better. Eat lots of oats and plain nuts (like almonds). Make wise choices like purchasing skim milk products rather than whole milk. Finally, read product labels and be aware of seemingly healthy foods that contain lots of salt. For example.. did you know that cheerios are relatively high in salt?
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